We respect your time and we are not always able to keep the exact timing of appointments. We will try our best to be on time, however there are instances beyond our control that cause delays. When you have a scheduled time, please know we may arrive 3 hours before or 3 hours after the scheduled time. We will make every effort to be as close to the scheduled time as possible.
As you may understand, we are in the business of diagnosing tree ailments and disorders. This is nearly 100 % of our business. As a result, we do run into situations where there is no work to be bid on; just information being exchanged. It is this exchange of information that consists of roughly 75% of our client base. We offer non-bias facts about your trees. Unfortunately, we cannot continue this extremely rare and beneficial type of business without charging a fee. There are only a few reasons we charge fees and all are related to us not being able to offer our services to you.
If we provide a service you will not be charged a consultation fee. However, if you are strictly searching for expert advice, information, and or a diagnosis then the fees are as follows:
This falls in line with other professional services such as your doctor, dentist, lawyer, therapist, veterinarian, etc. They charge an office visit fee when you want to discuss problems and get information.
When a customer requests to have their trees reassessed that were recently treated within 3 months, there will be a $150 charge to have our Board Certified Master Arborist come back out. If it has been past 3 months from the initial treatment, the arborist will come out when
scheduling permits at his leisure. If there is no potential for the Arborist to show up unannounced (as his schedule allows) the warranty of the treatment will be void.
Warranty Statement From Eric Putnam, BCMA:
It is difficult to place a warranty on living things. There are just too many factors when trying to judge the viability of life. I personally feel that my customers need more than a “shot in the dark” in regards to the time and money they have invested in the preservation of their trees.
In order to help the customer to understand the process, I go into great lengths to explain what they can expect from the service that they contract and how the tree will respond to treatments. Our conversation will determine the level of warranty involved, and there are different levels of warranty depending on the health of the tree at the time of diagnosis.
As an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist ®, we proudly offer warranties because we are confident about our skill level. Be sure to ask our competitors if they offer a warranty.
Disclaimer Statement From Eric Putnam, BCMA:
We adhere to a strict code of ethics. With this in mind, here are our limits:
Materials We Employ
Biostimulants can be applied in any light non-flooding rain. Chemical medicines can be applied before a rain, usually from 24 hours to 30 minutes before rain according to some labels. Should a rain event occur before the qualified rain time, we may re-evaluate the job to determine the effectiveness of the chemical application. According to labels, we can only put down a certain quantity of chemical per acre, per year, per active ingredient. Simply re-spraying just because it rained is not appropriate. The biostimulant comes out looking like coffee (usually a light cream color to the blackest of coffee). Although we take preventative measures like pre-wetting surfaces before application and then rinsing after the application, there may be some temporary staining occurring. This staining typically goes away within a month or so. The color depends on the formulation being used. Biostimulants are always sprayed over the entire front yard, back yard, or both depending on where the patient is in the landscape–we don’t treat just the tree. We believe that the environment failed the tree, rather than the tree failed in the environment. The whole environment gets treated with biostimulants.
Treatments and Services
Not every treatment works every time. This is why there is a warranty. The warranty covers the quality of the product and services only. The warranty does not imply the survivability of a tree under treatment. We offer a re-treatment until the issues are resolved or until the stated goals are met. You have to keep us informed on the results of the treatment. We have no way of monitoring any tree issues without the help of the customer. The warranty works best when the customer is involved with the process. Not every tree will make a recovery. A tree may not recover in the anticipated way, but in fact has recovered. We do not return any money spent on tree treatments. Our warranty ensures that you get your money’s worth both in time and products invested.
Not every tree needs trimming. Not every tree needs removing. Not every tree needs treatment. Not every infestation needs treatment. There is a real chance that you can call out the Arborist to evaluate your trees and get a clean bill of health. We don’t offer services the customer or the tree doesn’t need. If you call someone out to look at your trees and don’t have an idea of what you need, it can lead to over-selling and over-working your trees. Our decision not to offer you any work is solely based on our code of ethics. We will most likely not want to prune your tree the way you want it pruned. We will discuss all the options for pruning, but in the end it will most likely be me that makes the decision on how to correctly prune your tree. We will not remove a tree that is healthy and serves a purpose. Don’t compare us to the other tree services. We actually care about your trees.
As with life and all sciences, nothing is solid knowledge. The opinions of our arborists are just that: their opinions. Certainly we can cite our opinions which indicates that we operate from a position of knowledge, however, it doesn’t mean that the next tree care company will have the same opinion as our arborists. In fact, we find that we are diametrically opposed to a large majority of the tree services out there. We get by this by citing our opinions and offering warranties.
It will not be possible to have the ISA Board Certified Master Arborist on every job site to manage work being performed by the tree crews. In the event that the ISA Board Certified Master Arborist is required to be onsite there will be an additional fee charged starting at $150.00 per hour, every hour the Master Arborist is onsite. We may decide to forfeit the contract if the ISA Board Certified Master Arborist is required to be onsite during certain times of high demand. All of our crews have been trained by the ISA Board Certified Master Arborist. Sometimes we hire subcontractors that the ISA Board Certified Master Arborist has personally trained. We hire these subcontractors to reduce the waiting times on tree work performed, so the client has a better experience.
While it is nearly impossible to give direct pricing in advance over the phone or online, here are a few details that might be helpful. Our minimum for any Physical work performed is $250.00–if you get a quote for under $250.00, you received an undisclosed discount. Our Arborist Visits cost $150.00 per hour. Most arborist visits last less than 1 hour and include drive time completing the hour in most cases. If you paid less than $150.00 per hour, you received an undisclosed discount or accepted an offer. All biostimulant treatments are $10.00 per gallon and have been since the 1980s. We sell our biostimulants at minimum 50 gallons at a time. So you should expect to pay $500.00 to have your yard of trees treated. If you paid less than that, you received an undisclosed discount. If you paid more, we either used more product or decided it required additional products to be included in the spray. Very large trees can require hundreds of gallons of treatment.
Work Performed
Our crews only do work written on the estimate sheet. If you ask the crew to do any extra work, this may result in an extra cost. If you want us to do something that was not agreed to, e.g. improper pruning style, we will most likely stop work and void the contract, as we truly have your best interest in mind. You may still be charged for the quantity of work done. Please review the written text to understand what we intend to do to your trees. If the tree already has been pruned and it meets the standards both parties mutually agreed upon, then you owe for the work completed as long as the work performed is of the quality set forth by industry standards. Obviously if the work is subpar, you won’t have to pay for services. If in the event that this does happen and there is a conflict, we will call in a third party to judge the work performed. This third party evaluator shall be no less than an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist. He/she will judge the work on an A, B, C, or Fail scale and the losing side shall pay the expense of the BCMA. In some cases, we can do a little extra pruning. Over-pruning your trees can and most likely will cause damages to property and even life, many years down the road. Deadwood means about 80% of deadwood will be removed. Through years of experience, we’ve determined that 80% is the most cost-effective price point and with anything more, the costs will outweigh the benefits.
Payments and Discounts
Pay for arborist visits in advance and receive a 20% discount. No other discount is available for arborist visits. You must present all discounts prior to the arborist leaving the estimate. Optimum timing for you to present a discount is after the estimate has been given right before you sign the agreement. After-the-fact discounts tend to disrupt our business model. Discounts are only for in-person estimates. A discount will be considered for estimates that are older than 3 months. No discounts shall be applied to estimates approved more than 24 hours after the arborist has left the bid. All payments are due immediately after the completion of work. Payments are expected the same day as the work was completed. You may pay online via your account on the website. You may also pay by check or cash. You may pay by check or cash if you pay the crew as they’re leaving the job site. We prefer all other payment methods be made through our website’s secure online payment form. Pay almost any way you like.
Cancellation Policy
If we show up to perform the agreed upon work and it has already been done by a competitor and you did not call to cancel before our actual arrival time, you will be charged a $150.00 service fee. If we show up to your job site and you say that you had canceled the work and there is no proof, you will be charged a $150.00 service fee. This fee covers the amount of time our crew has invested in your project at the time of arrival to your place. It’s only fair. After all, you signed a contract. If we show up and someone else is doing the work and it is a cheaper quote and you signed the contract, you owe us a $250.00 cancellation fee. This fee is to cover any embarrassment caused by another crew doing our crew’s work. The tree crew will be gloating over our crew as the king of the hill. This fee will be divided among the crew members as a tip in support of their value. Please call and cancel any work requested before the scheduled work date to prevent any unnecessary experiences or expenses.
We acknowledge that the customer has free will to hire/fire any company as they see fit, for whatever reason. We acknowledge that customers expect a certain professionalism when they decide to cancel the work or switch tree service companies midstream. However, the fact is that most customers break a contract without notice. The unfortunate company that has experienced a broken contract without notice can incur many expenses. These expenses could have been prevented with an advanced cancellation. These expenses are simply passed on to the customer that cancelled without notice. Our cancellation policy allows us to work without requiring a deposit. Deposits ensure that cancellation losses are kept to a minimum. If you must cancel, please do so in advance.
Weather is not our enemy. Biostimulants work best when applied right before any rain amounts. Most insecticide and/or pesticides require a drying period before rain. Most of the products we use only need an hour or so before the rain. We may choose to re-spray after the rain if the active ingredient does not reach the maximum allowable by law. We cannot break this law. Any application is most likely covered by our warranty. Please do not worry about the weather, we have you covered. If you get rained out, you will be done within the week of your original schedule, most likely the following day. If it’s raining everywhere, you may not get a rain-out call that rainy day. We will call you the next rain-free day to reschedule your appointment. Most estimates can and usually happen during rain events. Arborist visits will likely rain-out like regular tree work. You can be bumped for a rain-out even if your scheduled day didn’t get any rain. Yes, we can rain you out on a sunny day, if our schedule becomes jammed as a result of rain. Everybody on the entire schedule may get pushed back for rain days.
Diagnostic Process
What makes our Board Certified Master Arborist unique is his diagnostic process. Although he may come up with an onsite diagnosis, the diagnosis process keeps with him for hours after he has left the site. As more information comes to him, he may modify the diagnosis and send you updates through our QuickBooks estimate system. This may lead to a treatment change of which he will modify and update you on. This modification of treatment may happen with or without your notice in writing as long as it does not include a pesticide addition. Any changes in diagnosis and or treatment after the price has agreed upon will not change the pricing. Sometimes just before the treatment starts, the Board Certified Master Arborist may change treatment plans based on newly gained knowledge. If the tree has declined to the point of total failure between the time of the estimate and the treatment time, the Board Certified Master Arborist will call off the treatment.
The Board Certified Master Arborist believes that in most cases, it’s the environment that fails the tree, not that the tree failed in the environment. Our stated goal is to bring back the environment to its fullest potential, allowing the tree to then recover. We work on the environment and the tree starts the recovery process on its own.
We utilize multiple phone numbers solely for the purpose of tracking our marketing campaigns. Calls to these numbers are recorded and tracked for our own records.
Have questions or concerns about your tree’s care? Our tree expert will come to you to consult on your tree’s needs.
From preventative tree care to tree treatments and more, we’ll help ensure your tree gets the best care possible.
If you need specific tree work done, we offer free estimates on tree services such as tree removal, stump grinding, and more.
We offer a variety of professional tree care services depending on your tree’s specific needs. Our customers trust in our arboricultural expertise and understand our priority will always be to ensure their trees get the best care possible with no unnecessary upcharges and gimmicks. Contact us today for a free estimate on services!
Are you a contractor or homeowner considering doing renovations or construction near your trees? Before you do anything, read the following information to help prevent damages and diseases due to construction and poor yard care.
Trees are susceptible to injury and diseases when the root system in the surrounding area is disturbed (with some trees, this could be a 100 ft. radius!). Things that may create damages and disease include but are not limited to, building, trenching, digging, filling, or compacting the root zone area of the tree. These can all be fatal to your tree. However, we can work with you or your contractor to pre-treat the surrounding area and rope off a set perimeter to ensure the survivability of your tree. It is imperative for this to be done prior to any construction or work being done, including demolition.
Another large factor to the spreading of diseases and pests is dirty lawn or tree pruning equipment, which is why we ensure all of our equipment is cleaned thoroughly after each job.
Please reconsider the use of herbicides on your yard and landscapes, because they do affect your trees and plants negatively. We will show you other ways to prevent unwanted weeds in your lawn and landscapes that will be healthier for the environment.
With a free estimate from our ISA Board Certified Master Arborist ®, we’ll advise you on the best preventative care to protect your trees and ensure survivability during any home renovations or nearby construction work.
As a master arborist, Eric Putnam BMCA understands how important it is to provide a healthy environment, balanced nutrition, and proper care to ensure healthy tree growth. If your tree appears to be damaged or diseased, contact us today to schedule an arborist visit where we will come to your home and assess your tree’s health. Our ISA Board Certified Master Arborist ® will recommend the best tree treatment and fertilization plan to ensure your tree’s recovery and promote your tree’s healthy growth and survivability for years to come.
Our experienced climbers and trimmers follow all ANSI Standards A300 Series to ensure proper tree care and trimming of your trees and bushes. All of our work will be done to your satisfaction with your property, family, and belongings as our primary concern of emphasis when it comes to providing proper safety and protection while executing our tree services.
We offer tree pruning/trimming, tree removal, tree debris removal, and stump grinding. We can trim any tree whether it’s in the middle of your lawn or hanging over your home. We also offer post storm clean-up and trimming.
In order to preserve the health and aesthetics of your home’s yard, we recommend stump grinding rather than stump removal. Stump removal is a highly invasive process that involves using heavy machinery to extract not only the tree stump but all of its attached roots too (which may be spread out far and wide across your land). With stump grinding, we’ll remove the visible remains of your tree quickly and efficiently while limiting any damage to the surrounding area.
Planting a tree and watching it grow can be rewarding! Trees have traditionally been planted in many cultures in honor of an accomplishment, event, or important rite of passage, such as a graduation, wedding, retirement, purchase of a new home, or the birth of a child. The tree-planting tradition is also appropriate for honoring the life of a loved one at the loved one’s passing.
Tree planting can be as intricate as picking a particular tree for its meaning or as simple as choosing whatever tree will grow well in your area. Are you looking for ways to shade your yard from the sun for comfort and/or your home for energy efficiency? We can guide you in picking the right tree for your area and the placement of the tree. Have you always wanted to grow your own fruit? You can! We can help you start your own orchard of fruit trees.
Our experience and expertise in the tree care industry have given us the ability to increase the survivability of any newly planted tree. This coupled with our recommended organic landscaping products will allow your newly planted trees to thrive even in the harshest of conditions. We will also refer you to the proper sprinkler company if you’re looking for irrigation to assist your watering needs.
Following an organic landscape care treatment plan can help improve the overall look of your grass and trees without any negative impacts on the environment. We recommend tree care products made from organic materials and environmentally friendly material as part of this treatment plan that is not only eco-friendly but safe for people, pets, and plants.
When it comes to the care of your trees and yard, we understand how important it is to find a tree expert you can trust. Thanks to our personalized and professional approach with our arborist visits and tree consultations, our customers rest easy knowing their tree’s health will always be our top priority. See what some of our clients had to say:
(832) 981-7321
Charles Eric Putnam
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist ®
TX 0198B
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All Rights Reserved | Eric Putnma BCMA